Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 2 - Discussion_Medical Anthropology

Week 2 - Discussion_Medical Anthropology

Q Reflect on what you ate today and why (preference, accessibility, time constraints, cost etc.). How much time did you spend exercising versus sitting and why? How do your diet and exercise patterns align with, or diverge from, the EEA? Why is it so difficult for most of us to live in ways that decrease the discordance between how we evolved to live and how we actually live today? What individual and structural barriers exist? What recommendations might you make as a medical anthropologist for decreasing these barriers?

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Today I had a healthy meal comprising of, grilled vegetable sandwich with homemade orange juice, scrambled eggs, and fruit salad in the morning, spaghetti with meatballs and kiwi for lunch, my favorite chicken and cheeseburger in the evening, and roti (Indian delicacy) with fish and apple baked and send from home. I have a sweet tooth and I need my doze of desserts during my meal, and even though I am not a health freak, I do try to avoid processed food as much as I can and do not consume caffeine or soft drinks at all.